Hyperdimension Neptunia Wiki

We're looking for anyone who might know who we are
— Noire

Noire Is a playable and supporting character of Super Neptunia RPG. After waking, she realized her memories were gone. She's looking for any clues about her identity. Her name is the only thing she can remember. She met up with Blanc, who had also lost her memories, and is now making a living by completing tasks for the Guild. It hasn't been easy, and she becomes increasingly frustrated with the little amount of clues she's found so far. But a good night's sleep always clears it up for some reason...




Noire is a girl who looks in her mid-to-late teens, with a slender figure, red eyes, and long black hair. Her hair is kept tied into two pigtails with blue ribbons, and go down to her waist. Her fringe isn't kept parted and she has two bangs that go down to her chin. Her attire consists of a maid-like black top with golden trimmings and white frills around her upper arm and chest, and also reveals a certain portion of her cleavage. Her skirt is white with black trimming and is rather frilled compared to her top, and goes down to her lower-thigh.


Noire, in a word, is tsundere. She is a girl who thinks highly of herself and strives to be number one in everything she does. Noire often does and say things but tries to play it off as if there is no more meaning behind her actions. It is possible that she is a very caring person at heart but masks it with snobby, arrogant attitude in the hopes people will not see through her facade.

Black Heart


As Black Heart, her eyes are cyan and her hair is pure white, and goes down below her shoulders somewhat, with her fringe standing above her eyes and bangs caressing her face. Her suit is black and white in color and the mechanical appearance is much more visible. It also exposes a mild amount of her cleavage. Her sleeves are pure black, with silver patches in the bicep and tricep area, her gauntlets are black with silver protrusions on the knuckle.


Black Heart's personality remains fairly unchanged in her goddess form. The only difference is that she becomes more aggressive and competitive than before, but other than that, she's basically the same.


Black, White and Green Heart appear to support Purple Heart against a shadow. Seeing Purple Heart struggle, Black Heart mocks Neptune before giving her full support in defeating the shadow. After the four goddesses defeat the shadow, Black, White and Green Heart disappear.
Defeat the Hunt Quest's monster at Ratchet Volcano
Noire and Blanc are fighting a monster at Ratchet Volcano for a Hunt Quest for the Lastation Guild. A stranger intervenes. Noire wonders who she is. Blanc tells Noire that she does not know her.

The stranger joins them and together they defeat the monster. The energetic stranger is excited that they were able to defeat it and thanks the pair. She introduces as Neptune.

Noire tells Neptune not to thank them, as she was just helping herself. In addition, Noire tells Neptune that she got in the way, while introducing herself. Blanc introduces herself as well.

Neptune then asks where they live and if they use Chat. Noire admits to Neptune hat they don't know. They both don't remember anything but their names.

Neptune wonders if there was a 3-for-1 deal on characters with amnesia or something. Noire struggles to understand Neptune but asks her if she can't remember anything as well. Neptune confirms that she can't remember anything. She wonders if they would have found a new shtick by now. Blanc wonders if she is allowed to say that.

Noire remarks that Neptune is flippant. She explains that the two of them are looking for anyone who might know who they are. Blanc agrees that they want their memories back but she is also looking for new books. Neptune thinks that is interesting then asks if Blanc can read. Suddenly, a book belonging to Neptune glows. Blanc wonders why the book is glowing, she has never seen a book glow before.

Neptune explains that it is a Histoire. Blanc ponders on Histoire. Neptune is glad that Blanc is curious and asks if she likes it. The book is pretty awesome. Histoire then shows some characters on its cover. Its a bunch of emoticons causing all the girls to wonder what was just said.

Neptune tells them that the glow means that the two of them are friends. They need to join her on her Hero's quest. Blanc does not want to as she wants to find books to read. Neptune tells Blanc that she has the perfect book and it glows. Blanc guesses it is and agrees to join her for a little while. Noire has no idea what Neptune is saying and she has to look for her memories so she says her farewells to Neptune.

Neptune repeats that this book glows when she is near allies, friends. This can't be a coincidence. They all lost their memories, so perhaps they can look for memories together. Noire is shaken but Noire resolves that she does not know Neptune and she seems suspicious, so she is leaving. Blanc calls out to Noire. Neptune notes that she was so lonely and here she thought that maybe she found a friend.

Noire is shaken again. Neptune notes that she really wanted to be Noire's friend. She repeats that for a bit. Noire wants friends and guesses she can keep them company for a bit. Neptune is glad that she just gained 2 new party members. She thinks she is doing great on her Hero quest. Blanc cannot believe... Noire silences Blanc.

Neptune tells her new team that they should head back to the Guild and report to the lady.
Report to Chrome at the Lastation Guild
Neptune and her party return with Histoire to Lastation Guild. Neptune reports to a lady back at the Lastation Guild. She has completed a mission as a Hero should. The lady tells her the mission was easy so she shouldn't get carried away. The lady sees Noire and Blanc and wonders who they are. Neptune reports that she has acquired allies, as Histoi- Histy started glowing. Noire and Blanc introduces themselves.

Blanc asks Neptune what the lady's name is. Neptune struggles to remember, so Chrome introduces herself. She notes they are one short. Noire asks if that means she knows who they are. Chrome tells them they will find out soon enough, as she does not feel like telling them.

Since Chrome is not willing to tell Noire, she declares she will have to get it out of her somehow. Chrome refuses to give up such information easily. Neptune announces that the plot thickens! What mysteries does the new character hold? She tells the audience to stay tuned.

Chrome smirks and asks them if they are going to try and force out of her. She is really strong. Noire tells Neptune that if she with them she has to try harder to get answers from Chrome. Blanc asks Chrome what she means by one short? Who are they missing? Noire did not catch that. Blanc tells Noire she needs to learn to read between the lines. She is too impatient. Noire's verbal beating is made worse with Neptune piling in.

Chrome tells the group that Histoire has an answer for them. Neptune tells Chrome that they couldn't read what showed up on the cover earlier. She asks Chrome to read it for them. Chrome tells them that it something only Goddesses can read. Neptune does not understand what Chrome means by this. Chrome tells Neptune that she is not a goddess any... anyway, so she can't read it.

Only goddesses can use Histoire's power and that is why she does not need it. Neptune notes that she is not a goddess, or is she? However, she can't read the text so why is that? Chrome has no idea. Blanc asks Chrome about Histoire's other powers than pointing out allies. Chrome tells Blanc she will find out soon enough.

Noire can't believe that is all Chrome is telling them. They can't trust her like this. Chrome is okay with this, and just for their information, there are 7 tomes out there that allow non-Goddesses to read Histoire. They should find them and they'll be able to read Histoire. Chrome tells them she has scattered them far and wide. Chrome takes her leave.

Neptune tells Chrome to wait but she already left. Noire wonders seriously, who is she? Chrome returns surprising Neptune and Noire. She forget one final reminder, Neptune is not to waste the money she earns. She has to be responsible and then Chrome leaves truely. Neptune is sad that she just leaves again. Blanc does not think Chrome is a bad person. Noire guesses that this is the case.

Blanc tells Neptune to ask Histoire about their other ally. Neptune thinks that is a good idea. Neptune asks Histoire and gets more emoticons as answers. This frustrates the group. Noire is glad that at least Histoire is answering them. Neptune decides that they need to find the tomes Chrome is talking about. Blanc thinks they can find some at Lowee's Archive.

This is the first time Neptune has heard of that. Noire remembers that they stopped by the place earlier. Perhaps a tome may be there. Neptune is glad that her party members are more useful than she thought. Noire can't believe what Neptune is saying. Blanc thinks it is settled and they must head to Lowee. Neptune likes this side of Blanc as she is eager to take on this quest.

Noire hopes that Blanc isn't just in it for the books. Blanc denies that this is the case and hurries the group forward. Noire does not care about Blanc's denial of her true interests.
Head to Lowee
Neptune and her party pass through Twin Mountains to enter Lowee. Neptune is impressed with the new town. Noire tells Neptune that the Archive was next to an amusement park that was under construction. Neptune asks more about the amusement park. Blanc notes that the amusement park was supposed to open soon. A Loween man confirms what Blanc says and adds that the amusement park is supposed to open today according to the flyer.

Neptune thanks the man and seeing the flyer, she reads that the opening is being postponed. Noire reads that Bombyx Mori bought the park and is doing some last minute repairs. Neptune wants to see the haunted house once it is done. Noire is visibly disturbed hearing that. Blanc bets that Noire is scared. Noire denies that she is afraid and redirects the party's focus on the Archive. Blanc confirms that Noire is indeed afraid. Neptune agrees with Blanc's assessment. Noire continues to deny her obvious fear and pushes the party to the Archive and storms off with Neptune and Blanc following.

Head to Akoop Archive
Neptune's party reaches the entrance to the Archive and they see Bombyx Mori guards. Noire wonders why they are there. Blanc observes that Bombyx Mori is guarding the Archive for some reason. Neptune concludes that if the bad guys are guarding something, then important stuff is in there. Blanc wonders why Neptune calls them bad. Noire is surprised Neptune would consider them bad and asks how she knows. Neptune explains that as a Hero, she knows.

Noire doesn't really see Neptune as a Hero as a few scenes ago, she was almost monster snack. As the two bicker, Blanc leaves to the guards and quickly returns, noting they can't pass this way.

Neptune is disappointed. Noire wonders if there is a backdoor. Blanc has a second plan she wants to try. Noire is surprised by this and before she can protest Blanc, she tries her second plan. Neptune notes that Blanc is quite the go-getter.

Blanc tells the guard that there is a suspicious person in a direction away from the Archives and thinks they are up to something. The guards quickly leave their post to investigate this, opening up the way to the Archive for the heroes. Blanc reports that it is all clear. Neptune praises Blanc.

Inside the Archive, Neptune announces they are in. Noire tries to hush Neptune as they don't want to be discovered. Neptune realizes her mistake and quiets up. Blanc is in awe of the volume of books found in the Archive. Blanc skims through them and finds only history books or strategy guides for old games. She wonders where the novels are. Noire skims around and agrees that the books here are not books Blanc would like. Blanc wonders how this could be. Neptune wonders if Blanc will be okay.

Noire thinks an Archive like this would have important books in the basement. Blanc hurries the party to look around. Neptune agrees but asks what they are looking for, a basement or books. Blanc tells her they are looking for both.

Investigate Akoop Archive
The group investigates the archive but are not having any luck. Neptune admits that she is getting hungry. Noire admits she is not seeing any stairs to a hidden basement. Blanc can't believe this, that there is nothing. Her disbelief starts turning into frustration of not being able to find any books, novels, manga anything that she has not already read.

Neptune calls out to Blanc. Blanc's frustrations takes over. Noire tells Blanc that she needs to calm down. Blanc snaps at Noire to shut up. She angrily denounces this archive and kicks a shelf down. Neptune is stunned. Noire explains to Neptune that when Blanc gets too stressed out, she just snaps. Neptune thinks Blanc's transformation is terrifying.

Neptune notices the shelf Blanc kicked down. Behind the shelf was a hidden stairway. As Blanc begins to calm down, she reports that the way is now open. Noire can see that there is a hidden staircase. Neptune praises Blanc for finding the enemy hideout. Noire does not want to go in without a plan but Blanc rushes ahead. Neptune quickly follows Blanc down the hidden stairs. Seeing that the two girls are leaving Noire, she follows them telling them not to leave her behind.

In the basement, Blanc looks and smells around. She reports that there aren't any books nearby. Neptune agrees with Blanc's observations. She was joking earlier about the fact that this is the enemy's hideout but perhaps it is. Noire cannot believe Neptune hasn't caught on that given the fact that there were guards to this archive. This must be a Bombyx Mori base.

Blanc finds the act of gutting an archive and turning it into a base unforgivable. She calls Bombyx Mori truly evil. Neptune is glad Blanc now sees that Neptune was right about her accusations of Bombyx Mori. Noire is surprised that Blanc now believes Bombyx Mori is evil.

A couple of Bombyx Mori soldiers are heard in the distance. They are discussing someone important coming over and how they need to look busy for her. Neptune is worried that they are coming this way. Noire tells the group they need to hide. The party quickly hides. The soldiers begin to complain about having to sort out all these dangerous books. This is a waste of their time. A soldier suggests that they just burn all the books.

Noire wonders what they mean by dangerous books and what makes them dangerous. The soldiers leave so the party leaves their hiding spots. Neptune thinks that was close. Noire asks the party if they caught on Bombyx Mori's book burning. She finds it disturbing. Blanc finds the thought of that unforgivable. Noire tells Blanc to calm down.

Blanc assures Noire that she is calm. She also believes that they should split up as they would get caught if they are grouped up like this. Neptune finds this a good idea. Blanc decides to head to one direction, she instructs the group to look for clues and when they are done, they should regroup outside. Neptune decides to hide to another direction and says her goodbyes to Noire. Noire protests the fact that splitting up would be more dangerous but Neptune and Blanc already left. She complains that the two just do whatever they want.

Investigate Akoop Archive once more
Noire investigates Akoop Ancient Archive and gets caught by Bombyx Mori. They accuse her of being a spy. Noire pleads with her captors saying that she is no spy, she was just lost. Neptune hears that it is coming from the other side of the wall. Noire begs to be let go. Bombyx Mori tells her to shut up as she will not be able to talk her way out of this one. They tell her the Resistance scum that her luck has run out. They have been waiting a long time to catch her. Noire tells Bombyx Mori she has no idea what they are talking about.

Shortly after, a Bombyx Mori commander is cackling at her prey. She notes that when that music snob told her to watch the Archive, she thought it would be boring. However, she found a rat that put up such a good fight. The commander admits she is now in a great mood. She asks her soldiers if this is great. They agree. Noire asks the commander who is she?

Since Noire is going to be taken away, she decides to tell her. She introduces herself as Artura and welcomes Noire to the Mad King's Trial Grounds. She hopes Noire likes to fight. Noire does not and screams out in fear.

Head to FC Land

File:SNRPG-Captured by Filyn.jpg

I don't want to be Pixel blocks!

Back at Bombyx Mori's base, the soldiers hail Filyn. Noire grunts as she is gagged and bound. Filyn silences Bombyx Mori. The members are excited their loli..., Lady Filyn! Filyn clears her throat and takes a deep breath. She reports that moments ago, the spy who infiltrated their base was app... appre... Paix St. Gliss tells Filyn the word is apprehended. Filyn finishes her sentence. Bombyx Mori cheers. Filyn declares in 3 days, justice will be served and they will show the Resistance what they are made of.

Paix explains that they will play them a merciless requiem and turn them all into pixel blocks. Noire can't believe what she is hearing. Bombyx Mori cheers. Filyn declares that they will show them all what happens when they defy her. Bombyx Mori hails Filyn. Paix is happy with the sounds she is hearing. She notices something approaching. It is a dragon and it calls out to Filyn. Filyn declares that 2D games reign supreme! Bombyx Mori cheer her on.

Head to the Lowee Guild
Later, Bombyx Mori drags Noire away. Noire continues to plead her innocence that she is not a spy. Noire passes a device showing 3D art, something that she has never seen before. The Bombyx Mori soldier tells her to shut up and calls her Resistance scum. He tells her to go. Noire notes that outside was so pretty, but inside here is so dark. The soldier thinks that this is cool, and introduces Noire to where they are, Yanderella Castle.

Noire takes note of her surroundings. Noire hears a meow. A cat-like monster walks up to Noire, leading her to wonder if it is cat or monster, or both. The kitty rubs Noire. Noire thinks it is a nice kitty and wonders if it is lost. The kitty meows. Noire is brought in front of a cage. She wonders why the cage is so big and what it used for. The soldier tells her to get inside. Noire complains telling the soldier he does not need to be so rough. Both Noire and the cat go inside the cage. Noire is surprised this kitty would accompany her in prison but quickly notices that it is bleeding. The kitty meows in pain. She wants to heal the kitty but cannot due to being bound in a cage. Noire wonders what will happen to her in 3 days. She wonders if Blanc and Neptune are coming for her.

Search for Noire in the basement of Yanderella Castle
After some time, Noire is surprised that Neptune actually came for her. Blanc says she is here too. Noire thanks Blanc. Noire notes that the door is locked. Artisan tells her to leave it to her and unlocks the door. Noire is finally freed. She asks Chrome who these two new faces are. Vert walks up and is introduces herself as Vert. Neptune explains that Vert is the last piece of the puzzle according to Histoire and the other person is...

Artisan notes that Noire has been through a lot. Neptune continues that she is with the Resistance and the spy they were accusing Noire of being. Noire then says that means this would be her fault. Artisan apologizes for that. Noire is about to say her mind but holds back. First they need to get out of here. Neptune agrees. Seeing how dirty Neptune's face is, Noire is about get her handkerchief but she notices she already used it. Neptune is confused. Noire remembers she used it as a bandage for that kitty.

Vert thinks they must bring that injured kitty with them. Noire does not know where the cat is. As soon as she took her eyes of the kitty, it was gone. Chrome notes that they don't have time for this and must go.

Escape Yanderella Castle
The party are almost out of Yanderella Castle and Neptune can see the exit. Someone tells them not so fast. Chrome recognizes this voice. It is Filyn, and she tells them they cannot just break out of her castle on her watch. Chrome notes that it really is Filyn. Noire warns everyone that this is the leader of Bombyx Mori. Filyn confirms Noire's warning.

Neptune can't believe that it is the loli... Filyn. Neptune can't believe she let that slip but looking at Filyn, there is no other way to describe her. Filyn asks if Neptune just called her a loli. Neptune quickly explains that she was just coughing, and notes that she is just Filyn. Blanc notes that she is such a little girl. Vert thinks she is adorable. Filyn can't believe what she is hearing.

Chrome warns the party that there is a reason why she is the leader of Bombyx Mori. They cannot fight her right now. Filyn is glad that Chrome is always the voice of reason. Filyn demands that they surrthender... surrender quickly. Neptune wonders if Filyn just bit her tongue. Noire, Blanc, Vert, Artisan and Chrome confirms that she did bite her tongue.

Filyn tells them she did not bite tongue. Filyn tells them not to make fun of her and she won't forgive them. She is going to blow them all up. Neptune is surprised. Chrome tells the party to leave this to her. Blanc can't believe Chrome is going to handle this. Chrome tells the party to make a run for this. She will handle this alone. The party is in shock. Even Filyn can't believe this.

Filyn wonders if she will have a date with Chrome. Filyn wants to go on a Ferris Wheel first. Chrome refuses to go on any rides with her. Filyn then suggests they go on one of those spinning cups first then. She is cool with that and wants to go. Chrome tells her she is not going. Filyn is shocked by her refusal. Filyn thinks Chrome wants to go the funhouse then.

Vert believes no battle will be happening so they should just leave. Blanc and Noire agree. Besides, Noire does have something amazing that she saw when she was brought here that she wants to tell the party about. Noire also wants to properly get acquainted with Vert. Vert agrees. Neptune remarks that Filyn seems to be obsessed with Chrome. Neptune agrees with running away while Filyn is distracted. Artisan agrees.

Back in Lowee, Artisan thinks they should be safe now. Artisan wants to know the amazing thing Noire saw earlier. Noire says it was an image projected to an area that seemed three dimensional. Noire remembers it was so lifelike and she could hardly tell that it wasn't real. Noire concludes that it was very pretty. Artisan thinks that was a super pretty 3D movie.

Noire has never heard of the term "3D". Noire notes that Bombyx Mori was trying to hide that image or the device that displays it. Noire asks if they saw the scaffolding and covers. She notes that those were not there before. Blanc notes that they only heard that they bought the park and began repairs. She guesses all they worked on was the castle. Neptune wonders if that means they bought it only to hide these three-dimensional pictures. Artisan thinks it is likely they plan on destroying them.

Neptune wonders why they would do that. Vert is also confused as to why they would destroy such a beautiful image. Noire admits she does not know why but what she does know is that when she first saw it, it did not feel new. For some reason, Noire seems to know about it already. Neptune remembers about that engineer they saved earlier. She was working on the park. Vert confirms that this is true. They were making some new game and Bombyx Mori wanted them to stop. Artisan thinks they were making a new kind of game, not a 2D one but one with three dimensional imaging.

Neptune is impressed as she can't even imagine what it would look like. She thinks it is unfair that Noire is the only one who can see it and she wants to see it as well. Noire notes that there isn't much she can do about that. Blanc notes that this 3D game has her curious. Vert thinks this sounds fun. Artisan agrees with Vert and she adds that it might be possible for them to make one. This surprises the party. Artisan invites them to Resistance HQ. She wants to show them something. Noire is okay with that. Vert says she was planning on heading that way anyways. Neptune thinks they have unlocked a super cool part of the story.

Neptune suggests that they use a Return Spell to zoom in on Resistance HQ. Noire tells Neptune that does not exist. Neptune is sad that does not exist. Neptune wonders if anyone has any Chimaera Wings around. Noire reminds Neptune that does not exist. Vert thinks the two of them must have some lovely conversations. Noire notes that it is not like... Noire brushes that aside and introduces herself to Vert. Vert, likewise introduces herself to Noire.

Noire asks if Vert also lacks her memories. Vert confirms this but thanks to that, she can enjoy games new and fresh again. Noire can't believe what she is hearing from Vert. Blanc blankly stares away. Neptune notices that Blanc has been very quiet. She is thinking about Leanbox. Neptune notes that they are headed to Leanbox. Blanc is also thinking of Lowee. Noire notes they are currently in Lowee and wonders about it.

Blanc notes there is an event happening Lowee tomorrow. Neptune asks what kind of event it is. Blanc notes that it is a special comic market, a Lowee tradition that happens 3 times a year. Blanc wants to attend this event. Neptune notes that she can hear the passion from Blanc's quiet voice. Blanc asks the party what they think of this. Artisan has no issue with it. Vert also has no objections. Neptune is in on this as well. Noire is okay as long as they keep an eye of Bombyx Mori. Blanc thinks it is settled then. Neptune suggests that they find an inn and get some rest for the night.

Blanc doubts she will be able to sleep. She has a lot of research to do and notes that the battle has just begun. Neptune can't believe how serious Blanc is about this. Artisan notes that she has to meet with some Resistance members so they should meet up at the inn tomorrow.

The next day, at the special comic market, the party arrives. Neptune notes that it isn't even noon yet the place is packed. She thinks the food stands look so good. Blanc suggests that everyone ignore food stands for drink stands. Noire wonders why. Blanc notes that they will work up a sweat walking around in the event. As a result, everyone will fight over cold drinks as time goes on. The last thing Blanc wants is to be stuck with lukewarm coffee.

Neptune and Noire guesses they understand. Vert notes that the event goes on late into the evening so why don't they will until then to visit. Blanc tells Vert there is no freaking way that will happen. Vert is taken aback but how angry Blanc can get. Blanc explains that if they did that then they won't get their hands on anything good. Blanc reminds Vert that those limited edition games would sell out way before then. Vert gets fired up hearing that.

Seeing how tense this is, Noire suggests that all they do is take a stroll. Neptune agrees. Blanc tells the two of them there is no time for that and this event is a battlefield. They need to follow her lead. Blanc gives out out maps to the party. Neptune and Noire wonder what this is. Blanc explains that those are maps and she circled all the booths they need to visit. Once they visit it, they need to ask for their latest book. Neptune realizes that all Blanc did is force the work upon them. Blanc asks if they will do it. Neptune realizes she can't refuse.

Blanc tells Vert to hurry to those company booths as the lines are getting longer as they speak. Vert says she will be going then. Vert says she will see them later. Blanc says she will be going to begin operations. Neptune can't believe they are performing operations and wonders if they are a special forces unit. Neptune asks Noire what they will do. Noire thinks since they accepted her request, they don't have a choice and thinks they should go. Neptune says the only options they had was "Yes" and "Of Course". Noire tells her to get over it and she should know how these things go. Noire warns Neptune not to get lost and stick near her.

After some time, Noire can't believe that Neptune got lost even after Noire told her to stay near her. Noire then hears an announcement for a lost child, Noire and that Neptune is waiting for them in the break room. Noire can't believe Neptune told them that she was a lost child. She call Neptune an idiot as she makes her way to the break room. Later, Neptune is glad to see Noire. Noire reminds Neptune that she got lost and that Noire is not a child.

Neptune tells Noire that the important thing is that they are together now so she shouldn't be mad. Noire cannot believe Neptune. Noire then sees that Neptune looks worn out. Neptune admits that today was crazy. Noire thinks it can't be helped. Noire and Neptune meet up with Blanc and Vert. Vert notes that the two of them have returned.

Neptune tiredly announces that they are back. Noire complains that she is so tired. Vert thanks them for their good work. Blanc asks if they were able to get everything in that list. Neptune says they did and it is all good. Vert asks if it is just her but it looks like Neptune has wilted. Neptune tells Vert all she needs is pudding and that will perk up right up. Noire asks how it went for them. Blanc declares a complete victory. Vert reports that she purchased all the games she wanted.

Noire thinks that is good news. She asks if they can rest somewhere. All Neptune wants to do is eat pudding and nap at the inn. Blanc tells them that sounds good and they have earned it. She thanks Neptune, Noire and Vert.

Bombyx Mori arrives and declares it is inspection time. They will be inspecting everything on display. He warns that anything that doesn't follow Bombyx Mori's guidelines will confiscated. Blanc is unhappy to hear them. To make matters worse, Artura arrives. Neptune is unhappy with seeing the Second Musketeer, the Mad King. Noire wonders what she is doing here. Vert has no idea why she is here but her instincts tell her they must hide.

Artura's mood sours, as she is sure she smelled Neptune around here. Since she cannot find her, she is unhappy. Artura begins looking for her. Neptune cannot believe that Artura is looking for her specifically. The Bombyx Mori inspector meekly says that they cannot find her but they still have to do their inspections. Artura tells the inspector to do whatever he wants. Meanwhile, Artura says she will hunt down that mouse to give her some TLC. Neptune is scared by Artura's declaration. Noire thinks Artura likes Neptune.

Artura notes that distance only makes the heart grow fonder. She laughs as she will get her soon enough. She asks the inspector if he agrees. The inspector quickly agrees with Artura. Neptune wants to get out of here while they have the chance. Artura breaks out into a maniacal laugh. The party leaves and run into Artisan.

Artisan welcomes them back and asks them how was the event. Neptune asks why Artisan has to bring it up. Blanc says she will never forgive them. Artisan asks what happened and if they ran into trouble. Vert wonders how she should explain this. Noire explains that there was a scary lady hellbent on finding Neptune. Artisan is surprised. Neptune wonders why the crazy lady is after her. Blanc says that does not matter compared to the inspection. Neptune asks Blanc what she means by that does not matter. Neptune wonders if Blanc has no heart.

Artisan wonders what Blanc means by inspection. Blanc notes that if they don't defeat Bombyx Mori, they will take all the spoils of war. Vert admits she is worried about her games. Artisan laughs and thinks there is something they can agree on. She suggests they rest for today and tomorrow they head for Leanbox. Noire that sounds good to her as she is tired. Vert thinks rest is an adequate way to pass the time as she does not have her console. Blanc declares she will unwind with a good book. Noire warns her not to stay up too late. Neptune thinks she won't be able to get any sleep.

Head to Leanbox from Lowee Harbor (2)
At Lowee Harbor, Vert notes they were able to leave the harbor undetected by Bombyx Mori and praises everyone. Neptune breathes a sigh of relief. Blanc has just finished reading a book and is on to the next one. Noire warns Blanc that she will strain her eyes if she reads too much. Blanc ignores her and continues reading. Neptune finally remembers she has a book that she wants Blanc to read.

This surprises Noire. Neptune notes that it is Histoire's dictionary from Lowee's Archive. Neptune calls out to Blanc. Blanc ignores Neptune. Neptune calls out Blanc again. Blanc continues to ignore everyone around her. Noire tells Neptune she won't be able to get through to her right now while she is reading. Neptune whines as this is actually important.

Neptune has an idea and just takes away Blanc's book. Blanc snaps and asks Neptune if she has a death wish. Neptune cries in fear. Blanc calms down a little and asks Neptune what she wants. Neptune gives Blanc, Histoire's dictionary and explains that she wants her to take a look at it. Blanc wonders why Neptune did not tell her something so important earlier. Neptune guesses she was too busy saving Noire earlier and forgot to tell her.

Neptune notes that she found another book for Blanc. Everyone comes in to take a look at the book. Noire wonders what is that. Blanc reads the title "The Book of Restoration" and it seems to be a novel. Neptune notes that it wasn't interesting to her but she thought Blanc might like it. Blanc thanks Neptune. Vert tells Blanc that she knows she is excited but she asks her to wait before starting the second book.

Blanc knows but she says a little peek won't hurt. Noire tells her not to. Blanc sighs and says she will look at the dictionary first. Neptune hopes that they can figure out what Histoire is saying with this. Blanc is not sure about this but she tells Neptune to bring Histoire out. Neptune brings Histoire out. Blanc asks Neptune to ask her something. Noire suggests asking her something about their memories.

Noire asks Histoire why they lost their memories. Histoire replies in cryptic symbols and emoticons. Neptune says this is a job for the dictionary. Blanc notes that some of these symbols are not listed so she can't read it. Neptune is disappointed. Blanc notes that the tome was spread across 7 books so she assumes they need them all. However a few words are here though, hard...save...time...memories.

Vert notes that while helpful she wishes they knew exactly what she was saying. Neptune understands and she says she will solve the puzzle. Neptune thinks Histoire said "It was hard, but to save ourselves from doing work, we erased our memories!". Histoire has an angry reply. Noire thinks Neptune completely missed the mark. Neptune responds with the fact that she is trying.

Noire thinks this is disappointing. She thought they would figure out something. Neptune notes that did find something, now they know they need to find the other dictionaries. Noire admits Neptune is correct.

At Leanbox, Artisan announces they are here. Vert then announces that she will be... Neptune understands and thanks Vert for helping them save Noire. Vert accepts Neptune's thanks and notes that she is relieved that Noire is safe. Neptune asks Vert if with that, does she want to join their party for real? Vert hesitates but apologizes to Neptune. Neptune sadly asks if that is no.

Neptune remembers that there was something important that Vert had to do. Vert confirms that is correct, as she must shut herself in and play through all her games. Neptune can't believe that was the important thing that Vert has to do. Vert clarifies that she has to provide supplies to the Resistance so of course, she must stay behind.

Blanc reminds Vert that she does that so she can play their games. Noire calls out to Neptune. Neptune asks Noire what's up. Noire notes that Bombyx Mori is after them so Vert will be in danger if she joined them. Vert is touched by Noire's concern. Neptune remembers that is true. Neptune tells Vert that the offer is always open for her to join their party. Neptune decides to leave it at that.

Vert asks if Neptune is really okay with her staying behind. Neptune says that she is. Vert is guesses with that, if she ever gets the desire to join Neptune, she will seek Neptune out to join the party. Artisan asks if Vert is going to head back to the Resistance base now. Vert confirms that she is.

Head to the Resistance Base
As the party returns to the Resistance base, a member of the Resistance happily welcomes the big kahuna's return. Artisan told the member she doesn't like being called that. Regardless she welcomes everyone inside. Neptune happily accepts and wonders where's the food. Noire and Blanc politely excuse themselves inside. Inside, Vert greets all the resistance members.

Artisan tells Neptune she has something to show her before their meal. She hands them something. Blanc notes that was in the Archives. Artisan confirms Blanc's observation and explains it was a magazine from the Archives. Noire says that if features 3D and VR games. Neptune notes they just heard of 3D games but she has no idea what VR is.

Blanc asks if she can take a look. Artisan allows her to. Blanc reads "A G***tsu special report1 A new game using brand-new technology! Don't Worry!" Blanc has no idea why the magazine tells people not to worry. Neptune has a feeling that this isn't new. Noire agrees with Neptune's hunch. Neptune adds that she feels she has seen these games before. Blanc and Vert agrees.

Noire notes that she felt the same way when she saw those 3D images at the castle. Artisan explains that the Resistance got wind of these games when they were investigating Bombyx Mori. For some reason, their organization believes these games don't exist. Based on what they have gathered, 3D and VR games once existed in this world. However, the games and the console that run them have been lost.

Vert ponders about what Artisan says. Artisan explains that the Resistance's goal is to get those games and consoles back to the people. Neptune wonders if that is what the Resistance is about. Artisan confirms this. Neptune is surprised that the Resistance was doing proper work. Artisan snickers and wonders what Neptune thinks Artisan and the Resistance were up to.

Seeing Artisan's mood change, Neptune realizes her mistake. Cornered, Neptune shyly admits she thought the Resistance just played a lot of games like Vert does. Vert reminds Neptune that she was not a member of the Resistance. Artisan tells Neptune that their work is serious. 3D and VR games exist and Bombyx Mori is hiding it.

Blanc ponders on why. Artisan declares that they need new games for the sake of the world, for the sake of Gamindustri. Otherwise, Gamindustri's growth will halt and the tax regulations will get ridiculous. Neptune wonders what she means by ridiculous. Artisan explains that the demands will be too much for the people and the evaluations will be unfair.

Neptune remembers that in Lastation, they're already being forced to make the same kinds of games. She retells the story of the old couple who got low ratings then had their store trashed with their only consolation that they did not get punished. Artisan laments that Bombyx Mori rejects new ideas and that any creative will lose motivation working like that. Blanc agrees with Artisan's sentiment. Vert was surprised that people in Lastation get punished. Artisan confirms that this is true.

Artisan notes that Vert spent a lot of time gaming so she probably did not hear too much about it. Vert can't believe this and is saddened by such injustice. Artisan notes that while Leanbox is under the control of Bombyx Mori, they know that the citizens of Leanbox do not support them and that the Resistance base is here. Despite how much pressure they put on other nations, they aren't strict in Leanbox.

Noire notes that this attitude is strategic, if they push Leanbox too hard, they will birth a rebellion. Artisan agrees with Noire observation and concludes for those reasons are Leanbox's tax regulations and overall treatment of citizens are much better. However, Artisan is also aware that Bombyx Mori is plotting against the Resistance and keeping tabs on them.

Neptune thinks that is scary and doesn't want to know about that. Vert thinks that is horrible and for them to deny the development of new games. Artisan thinks this is unforgivable and asks Vert if she feels the same way. Vert wholeheartedly agrees.

After all that, the party have a meal. Neptune praises the pudding. Blanc quietly continues to read her book. Neptune sees that Blanc is still reading the Book of Restoration and asks how is it? Blanc thinks it's really fun. Neptune is surprised books can be fun. Blanc notes that she would have perferred reading the magazine but Vert took it. Vert continues to read the magazine. Noire notes that Artisan's story must have been a shock to Vert since she didn't know anything.

Vert asks for everyone's attention. Neptune wonder what is up. Vert tells everyone to look at this page. It shows a purple console which was manufactured in Planeptune. She thinks that some information is held in Planeptune and that they should investigate. Neptune is upset that she has to travel again and thinks this is such a pain. Suddenly Histoire starts glowing as brightly as possible. She angrily says something in emoticons.

Neptune tries to tell Histoire she can't read that. Vert observes that Histoire is very upset. Neptune agrees that they will be going to Planeptune. Histoire gets super excited. Neptune finishes her pudding so she is ready to go. Vert declares that if Bombyx Mori is oppressing innovation in gaming, she will obliterate them. Blanc reads until something surprises her.

Noticing Blanc is not paying attention, Neptune asks Blanc if she is listening to her and explains that they are going to Planeptune. Noire tells Neptune to have fun. Neptune starts to realize something is wrong. Noire explains to Neptune that her priority is her memories not lost games. Since there is probably nothing in Planeptune, she thinks it is best that they split up.

Neptune gets angry at that. Noire wonders what's wrong. Neptune asks Histoire how Noire can get her memories back. Histoire explains in unintelligible emoticons. Neptune can't read that. Regardless, Neptune tells Noire that Histoire knows something and that Histoire's tome can be in Planeptune. Noire should come with them to find it. Noire realizes that Neptune is not going to let her leave the party.

Blanc then voices her complaints. They just saved Noire and she does not feel up for another adventure. Neptune can't believe Blanc is like this too, but in her case, Neptune struggles to find something to convince her. That being said, Neptune would like Blanc to return the Book of Restoration to her. Blanc notes that she has not finished reading it yet. Since that is the case, Blanc agrees to travel with Neptune.

With that Neptune is ready to head to Planeptune. However, Neptune then remembers Vert. She wonders if Vert is coming with them. Vert is happy to come along with Neptune. Neptune is worried she is taking Vert away from her life. Vert gulps and declares that she will be the one to ask this. Vert asks Neptune if she can join her party. Neptune's eyes sparkle and declares that Vert has joined the party.

Neptune declares that the Hero Party is complete! Neptune thinks that having a party of four people feels great! Artisan is happy for Neptune. She then has a proposal for Neptune. Neptune wonders what is up. Artisan notes that both her party and Artisan's Resistance is against Bombyx Mori so why don't they team up. Neptune wonders if Artisan means... Artisan formerly requests to form an alliance with Neptune's party of Heroes.

Noire is not sure about this Hero title, however she was hoping the Resistance would help them. Blanc says that she is grateful for the Resistance's help. Neptune accepts Artisan's request. Artisan is glad she accepted but notes that this wasn't just a request to be buddies though. She requests that Neptune gets intel on Bombyx Mori and the Resistance will assist them whenever they run into trouble. Artisan asks Neptune how it sounds to her, she will help take down Bombyx Mori and save the world.

Neptune thinks that is perfect and that they'll save the world in no time. Vert laughs and thinks Neptune says it like it'll be so easy. Noire observes that Neptun3 really is into this Hero thing, and hopes they'll be okay. Artisan thinks this is promising. Neptune declares they are now offwards to Planeptune. Blanc tells Neptune the word is "onwards". Neptune tells Blanc this was on purpose. Noire really hopes they will be okay.

Head to Planeptune from Leanbox Harbor
Neptune is happily leading the way to Leanbox's Harbor to get to Planeptune as she sings a song about her heroicness and willingness to buy pudding just like everyone else. Neptune suddenly remembers that as the Hero's party everyone needs to travel in a single-file line and so she reminds her party of this. Noire is having none of this, Neptune is just too noisy today. Suddenly they are ambushed by monsters.

However, Neptune has never seen these monsters before. Blanc agrees, she has no idea what these monsters are. The monsters begin to chant boke, boke. Vert tells them to be careful as they are now coming. Noire tells Neptune not to just stand there. Neptune wonders who let all the monsters come into the harbor. A frantic girl rushes in pleading as the monsters attack the party.

The party fends off the monsters but Neptune admits she is exhausted after all that. Noire wonders what that all was about, it was different than the usual monster. Blanc thinks it could be a new type of monster but... Vert, regardless is glad they came out of all that in one piece. The party then notices the frantic girl from earlier.

She wants to say something but stop herself. Neptune asks if she is not part of Bombyx Mori. The girl tells Neptune she is correct, and she stutters as she tries to explain who she is. Finally she gets her words straight and tells them they attacked her Bokemon. This shocks the party who now realizes what they just fought. Neptune then asks what is a Bokemon. Blanc notes that she has never heard of this before.

The Bokemon trainer girl hopes her Bokemon are okay. She apologizes for her Bokemon attacking them. Blanc finds it odd that one could be worried about monsters getting hurt. Noire tells the girl to calm down as it is alright. The Bokemon trainer girl continues to profusely apologize. Vert tells the dear girl that they are friends and asks her to just tell them what is going on.

The Bokemon Trainer Girl, Maisy agrees and begins to explain. Bombyx Mori built their HQ on the island, she used to live in and chased all the inhabitants out. Maisy and her older sister made a promise to take back their hometown and that is all she wants. That is why she came to Leanbox to find the Resistance and ask for their help.

Before that, one a random day, she was in a tavern and she saw some Bombyx Mori and their cronies. Neptune asks what they were doing. Maisy explains that they were talking and looking at some sort of field guide for some device. A Bombyx Mori asks his subordinate how the project is going and if they are getting stronger. The subordinate gives a glowing report on the project, explaining that it is insane how much stronger they grown even the small monsters. The Bombyx Mori captain declares that with the help of this machine, they wipe out the remaining people.

The subordinate can't wait to catch more monsters. She praises her field guide, the Bokedex and toasts a glass with her captain. The captain laughs as well, but tells his subordinate to keep it down as the Resistance might be listening but toast his glass as well. When Maisy heard about wiping out the remaining people, she was thinking about the people on her home island so she waited for the Bombyx Mori to get drunk and knocked out.

She then stole their device and field guide. Neptune then realizes that she is holding a field guide with the word "Bokedex" written in big letters in the front. Vert thinks if that was supposed to be a secret, then they got really careless. Noire asks if she can see it. Maisy hands Noire the Bokedex. She notes that while there are a lot of monsters here, they are different from the ones she has seen.

She then reads "Command" and wonder that does. Blanc suggests that it is a way to control these monsters. Blanc reads that if you set the device on the monster and use the command, they evolve. Noire continues to read that they have to rapidly hit the "Confirm Button" 23 times for it to work. Noire thinks that is a strange command.

Vert thinks this is a hidden trick to getting the device to work. Neptune wonders if it is a cheat code of sorts. Maisy thought if she made the monsters stronger, she could save the island on her own however the monsters became violent and she couldn't control them. Then they attacked the party. She wanted them to stop but all she could do was watch. Maisy profusely apologizes.

Neptune tells Maisy not to worry about it as they are perfectly fine. Vert adds that they are Heroes, after all. Neptune agrees. Maisy is glad to hear that. That being said, Noire thinks what Bombyx Mori is doing is horrible, driving people out of the homes and all. Blanc continues to read the field guide and comes across Bokemon such as Seaqueen and Ratattack. She concludes that there are a lot of strange monsters in this guide and it is fascinating.

Maisy explains that she is going to Lowee, as that is where the Bombyx Mori people said they are going. Neptune warns her about the danger of all that. Maisy explains that she has no other options, she has no idea how to get a hold of the Resistance, so... Neptune tells Maisy to tell the Resistance that Neptune's party sent her. She tells Maisy to tell the Resistance that she is friends with Neptune the Brave and they'll help.

Maisy is surprised it could be that easy and praises Neptune for being a real Hero. Neptune happily agrees that she definitely is a hero. Noire warns her not to be caught by Bombyx Mori. Maisy assures Noire that she will be fine as Bombyx Mori is pretty stupid. Blanc agrees with her assessment of Bombyx Mori but regardless she should be careful.

Maisy assures them that she will be careful and thanks the party as she leaves to the Lowee. Vert hopes that Maisy can manage to stay out of trouble. Noire has the same feeling of concern as Vert. Neptune thinks it is nice to do a good deed and declares it is time to go "Onward! To Planeptune!". Neptune asks Blanc if she said it right this time. Neptune adds that she has to like how heroic, she just sounded, and thinks it was cool! Blanc asks if Neptune is trying to annoy her because it is working.

On the boat, Neptune is pondering over Planeptune. She thinks it sounds like Neptune with a plan. Vert agrees with Neptune there must be a connection between her and Planeptune. Blanc reads her book paying no attention to the party and says Click. Noire wonders what Blanc was doing. Blanc explains that this was a spell in the Book of Restoration that opens a secret door.

Neptune is surprised that Blanc is still reading that book. Blanc remarks there are other spell such as the all purpose spell, Nep Team Epic. Neptune thinks that is nice, but asks Blanc to tell her if there is a pudding spell as she is hungry. Noire wants Neptune to tell her something she doesn't know.

The party finally make landfall in Planeptune. Vert looks at the run-down city and notes that it does feel a bit dreary. Noire takes a look at the mermaid statue and thinks it looks cute. Blanc notices that it is wearing seashell swimsuit and asks if Noire wants an outfit like that. Neptune thinks Noire is very foxy to do that and blows a whistle.

Noire flustered, remarks she would never wear something like that. Vert then notes that there are no residences in Planeptune. Neptune thinks that is strange but wants to keep moving for now.

Explore Sakura Road

Sleepwalking Cosplayer
The party strolls across Lastation City. Noire sighs as they can't find clues about their memories. Neptune assures Noire that it is okay and they should take it easy. Noire tells Neptune they can't be so carefree. Noire notices Blanc and Neptune falling behind and tells them to walk faster as they need to find a place to stay by tonight.

The party finds a place in the inn and Noire quickly falls asleep. Later that night, Noire dreams about cosplaying as an idol. Noire truly thinks cosplaying is just the best. Noire wakes up in the morning fully refreshed and exchanges good mornings with her party members. Neptune complains that she is sleepy. Noire tells Neptune that is no good as she should get better rest. Noire thinks she slept well and feels great. She felt like she a good dream. Blanc thinks that is good.

Vert's Acquaintance
The party walks around in Leanbox. Neptune wonders what they should do now? Vert begins fidgeting. She asks for the party's attention. Neptune asks Vert what's wrong. Vert tells them there is a Resistance soldier of whom she is acquainted with. She asks for permission to greet her. Noire is okay with this but since they are from the Resistance, she suggests that they go together. Vert tells them it is alright, and they should go ahead to the inn.

Vert tells them she will meet them later and says her farewells. Blanc comments on how just like that, Vert left. Noire wonders what that was all about, but thinks they should just head to the inn. Neptune agrees, as this is just a greeting so this will be quick.

3 days later, in the inn, Neptune complains that Vert is not back yet. Noire wonders what has happened. Blanc wonders if they should look for her. After asking around, they get info that a busty lady in green headed to a house 3 days ago. Neptune sees the house and guesses this is it. Noire wonders if she is here. Noire walks up and calls in to the house. Blanc notes there is no response and observes the door is unlocked.

File:SNRPG-Midnight Gaming.jpg

Vert really needs help...

The three open the door to find a lightly yet messily dressed Vert with bags on her eyes playing games with food and drinks lying around. Vert notes she is sleepy but a little more and she can clear the dungeon. Vert realizes that she is getting hungry and looks around for snacks but she is all out. She thinks the Resistance is useless. Returning to her game, Vert believes she should level her skills in the previous area but then...

Vert thinks about what decision she should make. Neptune wonders if this really is Vert. Noire thinks this is Vert but her hair is messy and she has bags under her eyes. Blanc thinks the life was sucked out of her face. Neptune thinks her clothes could also use a wash. Blanc says there is no mistaking it, Vert is a... Neptune and Noire wonder what Blanc is going to say.

Blanc thinks Vert is an addict. She is addicted to games. Vert notices that she can't return to the earlier dungeon. She observes that this is by design and a terrible one at that. Neptune get concerned and calls out to Vert. Vert guesses she will have to restart from her previous save. Noire calls out to Vert. Vert notices the party and wonders who they are. She apologizes as she is a bit preoccupied at the moment.

Neptune begs Vert to pull herself together and snap back to reality. Vert is confused by what the strange notion of reality.

Later at the inn, Vert declares she feels refreshed after her bath. Vert apologizes for taking so long with the Resistance as she had a few games she has to play. Blanc wonders if really was just a few. Vert confirms this and says thanks to that, she was able to relieve some stress. Vert apologizes for the trouble. Neptune wonders what would have happened if they never looked around for Vert. Blanc thinks it would not be strange if Vert just played games forever.

Vert thinks she could never do that as her limit is an hour a day. Noire wonders what this hour is for, a break? It seems like that hour is just for a break from games. Vert laughs at Noire's joke. Noire thinks Vert needs help.








