Hyperdimension Neptunia Wiki
Hyperdimension Neptunia Wiki

This page lists the processors belonging to the Generation Processor Unit in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation.

Generation C[]

Base Stats
HP V 0
STR V 40 VIT V 40
INT V 30 MEN V 30
AGI V 40 TEC V 40
LUK V 30 MOV V 0
Elemental Resistance
Mk2 Fire Element 0% Mk2 Wind Element 0%
Mk2 Ice Element 0% V Thunder Element 0%
Shop Details
Purchase Price: 500000C
Sell Price: 50000C
For Black Sister only. The next generation release of the Cradle Processor Unit.
Shop (Chapter 10)

Generation H[]

Base Stats
HP V 0
STR V 0 VIT V -15
INT V 60 MEN V 40
AGI V 0 TEC V 90
LUK V -15 MOV V 0
Elemental Resistance
Mk2 Fire Element 0% Mk2 Wind Element 0%
Mk2 Ice Element 0% V Thunder Element 0%
Shop Details
Purchase Price: 500000C
Sell Price: 50000C
For Black Sister only. The next generation release of the Cradle Processor Unit.
Shop (Chapter 10)

Generation B[]

Base Stats
HP V 0
STR V -15 VIT V -15
INT V 60 MEN V 0
AGI V 90 TEC V 0
LUK V 40 MOV V 0
Elemental Resistance
Mk2 Fire Element 0% Mk2 Wind Element 0%
Mk2 Ice Element 0% V Thunder Element 0%
Shop Details
Purchase Price: 500000C
Sell Price: 50000C
For Black Sister only. The next generation release of the Cradle Processor Unit.
Shop (Chapter 10)

Generation S[]

Base Stats
HP V 0
STR V -15 VIT V 90
INT V 0 MEN V 60
AGI V 0 TEC V -15
LUK V 40 MOV V 0
Elemental Resistance
Mk2 Fire Element 0% Mk2 Wind Element 0%
Mk2 Ice Element 0% V Thunder Element 0%
Shop Details
Purchase Price: 500000C
Sell Price: 50000C
For Black Sister only. The next generation release of the Cradle Processor Unit.
Shop (Chapter 10)

Generation W[]

Base Stats
HP V 0
STR V 90 VIT V 0
INT V -15 MEN V 40
AGI V -15 TEC V 60
Elemental Resistance
Mk2 Fire Element 0% Mk2 Wind Element 0%
Mk2 Ice Element 0% V Thunder Element 0%
Shop Details
Purchase Price: 500000C
Sell Price: 50000C
For Black Sister only. The next generation release of the Cradle Processor Unit.
Shop (Chapter 10)

Generation L[]

Base Stats
HP V 0
STR V 40 VIT V 60
INT V 0 MEN V -15
AGI V 0 TEC V 90
LUK V -15 MOV V 1
Elemental Resistance
Mk2 Fire Element 0% Mk2 Wind Element 0%
Mk2 Ice Element 0% V Thunder Element 0%
Shop Details
Purchase Price: 500000C
Sell Price: 50000C
For Black Sister only. The next generation release of the Cradle Processor Unit.
Shop (Chapter 10)


